About Us
Founded in 1897, the OEA was established to keep OEs in touch with each other and with the College. A community of approximately 18,000 globally, we have a shared vision to keep OEs interconnected across the generations, maintaining and renewing friendships over time.

The OEA’s secure online platform provides the community with the ability to stay in touch with each other and we hope to expand this to include careers mentoring, community multi-media, and thought leadership.
For OEs who find themselves living or working overseas, there are OE representatives all over the world from Australia to Hong Kong, Brazil to Portugal.
OEs in tertiary education are given the opportunity to apply for the Thesiger Award, the OEA travel grant scheme. This award helps fund exciting travel projects, expanding horizons for OEs far beyond school.
For further information about the OEA please contact OEA@etoncollege.org.uk
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